2017年度人工知能学会 データ解析コンペティションで吉川主任研究員が優勝! Dr. Yuya Yoshikawa won the 2017 JSAI Cup

追記: 解説記事をアップしました → JSAI Cup 2017で優勝したので、JSAI Cup報告会で発表してきました
UPDATE: the technical article has been published → I won JSAI Cup2017!
Dr. Yuya Yoshikawa, a Chief Research Scientist of STAIR, won the first prize on JSAI Cup 2017 (Data Analysis Competition of Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence), which was conducted prior to the 2017 Annual Conference of Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (Nagoya, Japan).
5月23日(火) 17:50~20:10
ウインクあいち9F 902会議室(C会場)
JSAI Cup 報告会
The awarding ceremony will be held on the following date, time, and location:
May 23 (Wed.), 17:50 – 20:10
WINC AICHI, 9F, Meeting Room 902 (Venue C)
JSAI Cup Report
In the competition, the participants competed against each other for their technologies of predictive modeling under the theme of predicting railway troubles based on weather data. More specifically, they were provided with the history data of the railway troubles in the 5 lines of JR-East (East Japan Railway Company) associated with the weather data.
The details of the contest are described in the web page of the contest.
The technical article by Yoshikawa-san will be published on our website within days. Don’t miss it!