Using Benchmarking and Regression Models for Predicting CNN Training Time on a GPU Using Benchmarking and Regression Models for Predicting CNN Training Time on a GPU
Convolutional neural network (CNN) training typically demands substantial time, expensive computational resour... -
Instance AttributionとFeature Attributionの一貫性制約を満たす集合関数の局所説明法 (JSAI2024) Local Explanations With Consistency Constraints Between Instance and Feature Attributions for Set Functions (JSAI2024)
吉川 友也, 木村 正成(ZOZO Research), 清水 良太郎(ZOZO Research), 斎藤 侑輝(ZOZO Research), “Instance AttributionとFeature ... -
Explanation-based Training with Differentiable Insertion/Deletion Metric-aware Regularizers (AISTATS2024) Explanation-based Training with Differentiable Insertion/Deletion Metric-aware Regularizers (AISTATS2024)
Yuya Yoshikawa, Tomoharu Iwata, “Explanation-Based Training with Differentiable Insertion/Deletion Metric-Awar... -
Rethinking Loss Functions for Fact Verification (EACL) Rethinking Loss Functions for Fact Verification (EACL)
Yuta Mukobara*, Yutaro Shigeto**, and Masashi Shimbo. Rethinking Loss Functions for Fact Verification. The 18t... -
Action class relation detection and classification across multiple video datasets (Pattern Recognition Letters) Action class relation detection and classification across multiple video datasets (Pattern Recognition Letters)
Yuya Yoshikawa, Yutaro Shigeto, Masashi Shimbo, Akikazu Takeuchi, “Action class relation detection and classif...
MetaVD: A Meta Video Dataset for enhancing human action recognition datasets MetaVD: A Meta Video Dataset for enhancing human action recognition datasets
Yuya Yoshikawa, Yutaro Shigeto, and Akikazu Takeuchi. “MetaVD: A Meta Video Dataset for enhancing human ... -
PubChemQC PM6 Datasets: Large Scale Datasets of Semi-Empirical Quantum Chemical Calculations PubChemQC PM6 Datasets: Large Scale Datasets of Semi-Empirical Quantum Chemical Calculations
The PubChemQC PM6 datasets are large scale datasets of optimized molecular geometries and electronic propertie... -
STAIR Actions caption dataset: A Large Scale Japanese Caption Dataset for Video STAIR Actions caption dataset: A Large Scale Japanese Caption Dataset for Video
The dataset can be downloaded from https://sa-captions.stair.centerdatasetvideo captioncomputer visionaction recognitionmachine learning
STAIR Actions: A Large-Scale Video Dataset of Everyday Human Actions STAIR Actions: A Large-Scale Video Dataset of Everyday Human Actions
The dataset can be downloaded from the this URL. -
STAIR Captions : A Large-Scale Japanese Image Caption Dataset STAIR Captions : A Large-Scale Japanese Image Caption Dataset
Akikazu Takeuchi, Yuya Yoshikawa, Yutaro Shigeto In recent years, automatic generation of image descriptions (...
レガシーCコードの構文解析の試み(SES2024) On parsing legecy C code
先日慶應大学日吉キャンパスにて開催された IPSJ/SIGSE Software Engineering Sympodium (SES2024) にて、以下の内容のポスター発表を行いました。 レガシーシステムにありがちな... -
ドメイン汎化学習のための軽量な損失関数 A Lightweight Objective for Domain Generalization
重藤優太郎, 新保仁, 吉川友也, 竹内彰一 第27回 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム (MIRU) において、ドメイン汎化学習に関するポスター発表を行います。 -
文法を考慮したソースコード差分解析ツールDiff/AST(SES2022) Diff/AST: A Syntax-Aware Source Code Differencing Tool
橋本政朋 IPSJ/SIGSE Software Engineering Symposium (SES2022) ソフトウェアの開発や保守において,ソースコードがどのように変更されたのかを調べる際には,テキストとしての差...syntax-awarenesssoftware developmentsource code differencingsoftware maintenance
Impact of Changes in the Mini-batch Size on CNN Training Epoch Time Impact of Changes in the Mini-batch Size on CNN Training Epoch Time
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) drive successful machine learning applications in a growing number of area... -
CCA/EBT: Code Comprehension Assistance Tool for Evidence-Based Performance Tuning (HPCAsia2018) CCA/EBT: Code Comprehension Assistance Tool for Evidence-Based Performance Tuning (HPCAsia2018)
Application performance tuning is still quite an art, despite advances in auto-tuning systems. Evidence-based ...program analysismachine learninghigh performance computingFortranevidence-based performance tuning
Honors / Awards
瑞宝中綬章 The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
米澤 明憲 瑞宝中綬章 (令和二年秋の叙勲) Akinori Yonezawa The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon -
コンピュータサイエンス領域奨励賞 IPSJ Computer Science Research Award for Young Scientists
福田 陽介 2020年度コンピュータサイエンス領域奨励賞 一般社団法人 情報処理学会 Yosuke Fukuda 2020 IPSJ Computer Science Research Award for Young S... -
大川賞 The Okawa Prize
米澤 明憲 大川賞 (2017年度) 公益財団法人 大川情報通信基金 Akinori Yonezawa The 2017 Okawa Prize The Okawa Foundation for Information ... -
山下記念研究賞 IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award
安部 達也 2017年度 (平成29年度) 山下記念研究賞 一般社団法人 情報処理学会 Tatsuya Abe 2017 IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award Information Pro... -
グッドデザイン賞 Good Design Award
ハナノナ 2017年度グッドデザイン賞 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 hananona 2017 Good Design Award Japan Institute of Design Promotion