Jean-Pierre Briot教授が来訪、講演をしてくれました Prof. Jean-Pierre Briot visited our lab. and gave an interesting talk.

フランス ソルボンヌ大学のJean-Pierre Briot教授がラボに来訪されました。Jean-Pierreはその昔米澤先生の研究室に在籍し、その後は友人として長く親交を深めていらっしゃいました。私(竹内)も若かりし頃にICOTで何度か顔を合わせたことがあります。彼の所属はソルボンヌ大学と先ほど簡単に書きましたが、実はフランスの大学はいろいろ改革やら再編やらがあって大変です。そこで彼のMini-Bioを以下に引用します。
Jean-Pierre Briot is a senior researcher (research director) in computer science at LIP6, joint computer science research lab of CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and Sorbonne Université in Paris, France. He is also permanent visiting professor at PUC-Rio in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His general research interests are about the design of intelligent adaptive and cooperative software, at the crossing of artificial intelligence, distributed systems and software engineering, with various application fields such as internet of things, decision support systems and computer music. His current interest is focused on the use of AI techniques (notably deep learning-based) within music creation processes. He is the main author of a recent reference book about deep learning techniques for music generation (Springer, 2020).