博士(理学).1999年京都大学大学院理学研究科数学・数理解析専攻博士後期課程了.東京工業大学RA,産業技術総合研究所研究員,Codinuum Software Lab代表,理化学研究所研究員を経て千葉工業大学人工知能・ソフトウエア技術研究センター上席研究員.2024年より現職.これまで,マルウェア系統分析,ソフトウェア不具合検出,プログラム最適化パターン予測,等に関する研究に従事.
橋本 政朋
Principal Research Scientist
Masatomo Hashimoto
Masatomo Hashimoto received the degree of HAKUSHI (RIGAKU) (Doctor of Science) from Kyoto University on March, 1999. He is a principal research scientist in Software Technology and Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Chiba Institute of Technology. Since 2008 he has worked on phylogenetic analysis of software systems (including malware), software defect detection, and code optimization pattern prediction, all of which are based on fine-grained structural change analysis of (source) code.
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研究領域 Research Interest
Software engineering, programming languages, high-performance computing, machine learning