
- Yuya Yoshikawa, Yutaro Shigeto, and Akikazu Takeuchi, “MetaVD: A Meta Video Dataset for enhancing human action recognition datasets,” Computer. Vision. Image Understanding., vol. 212, p. 103276, Nov. 2021.
- Yuya Yoshikawa, Yutaro Shigeto, Masashi Shimbo, and Akikazu Takeuchi, “Action class relation detection and classification across multiple video datasets,” Pattern Recognition. Letters., vol. 173, pp. 93–100, Sep. 2023.
- Yasunori Yamamoto, Shusaku Egami, Yuya Yoshikawa, and Ken Fukuda, “Towards semantic data management of visual computing datasets: Increasing usability of MetaVD,” SemWeb, no. 103276, p. 103276, 2023.
- Yutaro Shigeto*, Masashi Shimbo*, Yuya Yoshikawa, Akikazu Takeuchi. Learning Decorrelated Representations Efficiently Using Fast Fourier Transform. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). 2023. pp.2052-2060.
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